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Monday, 12 March 2012

Samsung teases Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich update

Says March 10, but then changes mindMobile phones News By John McCann Friday at 11:04 UTC | Tell us what you think [ 5 comments ]

Tweet samsung-teases-galaxy-s2-ice-cream-sandwich-update Oh Samsung, you tease

Samsung is toying with our emotions as it announced the Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich update would be available tomorrow, only for it to dismiss the report hours later.

The initial report regarding the Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich update appeared on Samsung's Filipino portal and declared Galaxy S2 users would be able to upgrade their handsets on March 10.

Unfortunately Samsung was quick to respond via its Samsung Tomorrow Twitter account, stating that the Filipino announcement was "wrong" and "not true".

Hopes dashed, tears shed

We've been waiting for what seems like an eternity for the Ice Cream Sandwich update to hit the Galaxy S2 and Samsung is still unwilling to provide any sort of timeline for when it may arrive.

Samsung has confirmed it will announce the upgrade schedule via its main Twitter account and that the rollout will begin soon, although upgrades will vary depending on models and markets.

We hope Samsung pulls itself together and sorts out the Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich update sharpish, as its flagship handset may be left behind by the wave of new ICS toting devices.

From TheNextWeb

Tags: Samsung, Galaxy S2, Ice Cream Sandwich, Android 4.0, Android, GoogleTweetreddit!StumbleuponComment on this article  Your comments (5) Click to add a new commentbigdavey

10 hours ago

5. Brawford, i think you will find from many comparisons and review, it is actually the best phone on the market.

Nero, stick your iPhone up your ****.

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15 hours ago

4. It's no big deal that we haven't had an update; it doesn't make the S2 any worse. Gingerbread has been fine for me since I've had the S2...I've found it to be a great OS with no real flaws to speak of; it's smooth, flexible and stable. The fact that there's a new version out means everybody's going mad saying the 'need' the new version and Samsung are terrible for not providing it. The Samsung additions to the OS are valuable so give Samsung time to get it right. Want to still be able to use your home button? Give them chance to make it work or you'll be whinging about it not working why didn't Samsung fix it etc...want to transfer files wirelessly through KIES? Thought so. Apple don't give major software updates that often either to be fair. 5 years ago you never changed the software on your phone, you stuck with what it came with. The phone you bought is a Galaxy S2 with Gingerbread; if it doesn't evolve and grow quite fast enough for you then tough; just be glad that you've got one of the best phones on the market.

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Friday at 23:48 UTC

2. Eh i wouldnt go that far nero,

Ive had my s2 for almost a year now and as much as id like ics on it i can say im too bothered as even with gingerbread it is still an awesome phonethat i and im sure many others are proud to own !

Just because we havent had an instant update doesnt mean we should all go running into apples arms !!

Not everyone thinks apple products are the be all and end all of tech !

If you like apple fair play thats your choice but not every one does and thats why like me theyve opted for an android phone or maybes even a windows phone !

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Friday at 14:17 UTC

1. apple care more about iphone users, is time to switch from samsung to iphone. If samsung will not release update for galaxy S2 this month you can forget about new update. If you will get this, you probably wont buy next samsung phone!!!

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