Google continues to present a variety of ways for users to explore the cities in various parts of the world. From the description of two-dimensional maps, satellite perspective, to Street View. Today Google announced a new feature called Business Photos for Google Maps. Through this feature, users can upload photos of interior place of business to Google in order to be viewed by the public. The photos can be compiled so as to create a similar viewpoint with Street View, which is the point of view 360 degrees.

Business Feature Photos for Google Maps can help users in marketing efforts. Especially for businesses, like restaurants and shops, located in a remote corner of the building or the exterior appearance is less attractive. This feature is also useful for potential customers who want to find a restaurant or bar with a specific interior theme. All interior photos business premises will be accessible directly through Google Maps.
Business Photos for Google Maps due to be launched next week to users in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. While its presence in other countries will follow in the next month. Unfortunately, there is no clear information about when this feature can be used in the homeland. Even so, it would not hurt if you prepare your photos where your efforts to put into Google Maps.
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