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Monday 30 January 2012

Razer's “Project Fiona” On January 10th - live video

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Razer,known for its high-end gaming peripherals, including headsets and keyboards, is beginning to branch out in other areas of gaming. More specifically, Razer has decided to tackle the laptop market. The Razer Blade laptop, which has been delayed until late-January, may not be the only gaming device Razer offers. Razer has announced today that it set to reveal a new device it has been working on named “Project Fiona”. The announcement promises an all new form factor device that will be revealed at CES las vegas next week. A brief teaser video has also been released with the announcement which you can view after the jump.

Perhaps Razer is finally releasing their gaming netbook, like the Switchblade. A desktop to go with their Blade laptop could be another route they decide to take. Whatever it is, as stated in the video, we must wait until January 10th at CES to get an unveiling.

Posted byGizmo Point

Labels:game,headset,keyboard,Laptop,mouse,razer,razer blade

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